Damping is one of the three fundamental elements in controlling oscillation. However, its performance parameters are more difficult to test, the vibration reduction effect is not easy to predict, therefore, in general, the first choice of adding mass, changing stiffness, installing vibration isolators or dynamic vibration absorbers and other methods to suspend vibration reduction control, and in some special occasions, you need to choose damping vibration reduction methods. For example, some thin plate structure shock absorbers that we feel helpless are questioned, and the adoption of damping methods can achieve satisfactory results.
Add: Minsheng Road, Gulou Xiaohetou Industrial Zone, Macheng City, Hubei Provinc
Contact: Wang Xiguo +86-13597546268
Business: Cheng Zongchi +86-15997388088
Technology: Dai Qianzhi +86-13886413959
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